Friday, April 24, 2009

Cougar Club Meeting Minutes

The NWR Cougar Club meeting was held on April 6, 2009 at 6 p.m.

Roll Call:
Bunny Wallace, Kenyatte and Jeremiah Davis, Jim Bassett, Tara McCoy, Donald Pettit, Darryl Ballard, Sandy Bettiga, Pam and Don Grayson, Tony Burnett, Jeff and Stephanie Roberts, Denise Thomasson, Rob Harvey, Rosanne Johnson, Kathy Gibbs, Jimmy Adams, James Pullen, Dani Edmonson.

Treasury Report:

1. New Officers were elected: President: Dani Edmonson; Vice President: James Pullen; Secretary: Rosanne Johnson; Treasurer: Sandy Bettiga.

2. We wanted to give Coach Coates a check for $14,000 towards the new weight room, however Bobby Carpenter, Treasurer was unable to attend. Dani will present payment before the end of April.

3. We discussed renaming and setting new levels for membership to assist with baseline funding. Current schedule is: Stray Cat $10 with listing on web site; Cougar Club $25 + magnet; Black Cat $75 + T-shirt; Gold Cat $125; Fat Cat $250 + main page sponsor listing. Dani will develop suggested levels and send out by email for approval. Coach will plan a scrimmage game sometime in May as sort of a ‘meet and greet’ for the Booster Club to get more members and more involvement from more parents.

4. We discussed communication from the Club. Dani does not want to send out so many e-mails and will communicate primarily thru the Football Blog. Rosanne Johnson mentioned that she had trouble setting up the automatic notification whenever it was updated. Barin will be asked to check into this and be sure it is not a problem.

5. Dani Edmonson will head up the Program ads this year. Every member is asked to review the ads and volunteer to contact anyone from last year that placed an ad and get them to re-up their ad. In the current economic environment, we need to get as many former sponsors as possible plus many new ones. It was mentioned that we are also competing with the Middle School program and advertisers would probably prefer to be in the High School program.

6. Dani mentioned the need for new committee chairmen and class representatives. Jimmy Adams and Donald Petit volunteered to head up the merchandising committee. Dani will send out an email requesting other volunteers.

7. We discussed selling off the current inventory of merchandise at an upcoming scrimmage game. We discussed the need for a new T-shirt design and merchandising at the ballgames among all the other clubs selling merchandise.

8. A work day will be scheduled for this summer.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Minutes submitted by: Rosanne Johnson, Secretary

Booster Club Update

Important stuff regarding our booster club! First, don't forget about that special scrimmage game Thursday, May 7. I'll have membership applications ready by then, so plan on completing one and becoming an official member!

Next, booster club membership dues have been a point of discussion. After much brain power application (thanks to everyone who gave their input) here is the recommendation (new names and investment amounts):
Kick Off Level - $40 - gets a car magnet
First Down Level - $80 - gets a car magnet and a T-shirt
Field Goal Level - $150 - gets a car magnet, a T-shirt, a seat pad, and a half-page ad in the program
Touchdown Level - $250 - gets a car magnet, a T-shirt, a seat pad, a full-page ad in the program, and a Web-site listing
In addition to the revised membership levels, I move that this money get earmarked to pay for the many meals we are tasked with providing our boys. Coach Coates has blessed this plan. We are paid off on the weight equipment and there are no big-ticket items he has in mind at this time. Taking care of the team in the form of good meals and spirit treats, as well as any upgrades the field house may need, is what our agenda is this year.

NOTE: FOR THIS TO WORK IT WILL TAKE AS MANY FAMILIES AS POSSIBLE JOINING THE CLUB AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL THEY FEEL THEY CAN AFFORD. Other teams require families to pay large amounts of money to help fund the particular program needs. We have expenses as well, so I'm asking that everyone dig down deep and down what you can. Money and time are what we need. They are both valuable, so there is not judgment on which you can do.

Next. Our largest fund-raising event by far is the ad sales from our program. I will be handling the coordination of that project this year. Several of you have ALREADY (Cool!) asked your employers, or are self-employed and asked yourself, about buying an ad for the next season's program. Thank you SO much for that! I have attached an updated ad program agreement. Please make copies and see how many you can sell. Please e-mail me with whom you will be contacting so we aren't all going after the same businesses.

Finally, I'd like to thank the next wave of people who have graciously volunteered to head up a task:
Spirit treats - Julie Byrd
One team breakfast - Stephany Griebler
Junior class reps - Kathy Gibbs and Stacy Judy
We're going to have a GREAT year guys! Let's get it started right by raising the money we need early on, so we can sit back and enjoy all the games.

Cougar regards!

Dani Edmonson

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Scrimmage / Open House

Be sure to attend the 2009 Football Spring Scrimmage and Booster Club Open House.

It will be held Thursday, May 7, at the high-school field and pavilion. See our boys in pre-season action, and meet other player families eager to discuss ways to help our program.

Time to be determined and sent out ASAP.

Stay tuned ...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

2009 Booster Meeting Kickoff

Welcome all to the New Year for the NWRHS Booster Club! Those who were able to attend the first meeting engaged in great dialogue about our upcoming plans. Details will follow at our next, exciting meeting. This is a long note, but I ask you read it to the end to get all the details.

Following is a synopsis of our first booster club meeting for the 2009 – 2010 school year.

Elected officers
Secretary: Rosanne Johnson
Treasurer: Sandy Bettiga
Vice President: James Pullen
President: Dani Edmonson

A check of more than $14,000 will be given to Coach Coates toward payment on the new weight-room equipment. We will only owe about $4,000 to pay that debt off this year. We will start the year with a $2,500 balance in our account. This is an excellent way to start our season!

Our club’s goal is to do what we can to make life as an NWRHS football player and coach (and manager) as wonderful as possible. Their job is to work their tails off on the field. Our job is to keep ‘em fed and happy! We do this by breaking up our workload into smaller pieces for all to enjoy…

Thank you to Jimmy Adams and Donald Pettit for volunteering to handle merchandising for the club! I need volunteers to fill the following positions:
Senior class representatives: four families
Junior class representatives: four families
Sophomore class representatives: four families
Freshmen class representatives: four families
Coaches’ Sunday meal scheduler
Thursday player dinner scheduler (a suggestion was made that these meals could possibly be held at area churches thereby allowing the church to sponsor the meal and provide the motivational speaker)
Game week breakfast scheduler
Spirit treat and car decorating scheduler
Friday night tailgating meal arranger

(Like the snazzy volunteer descriptions? J)

The class representatives are generally leads in getting to the rest of the class group. You help organize activities, including people and funding, assigned to your class. Each class is responsible for at least three different tasks such as a breakfast, dinner and spirit treat.

The other volunteers listed primarily arrange the people, places and things necessary for the task.

To ensure I’m available to help in all areas, I will be the communications link for each volunteer to their respective audiences. Volunteers are the ones we need to find the people and places we need to get our boys fed and to ensure they stay “pumped up” each game week.
I will be in charge of fund-raising events, including coordination of the program; club communications; assisting all other volunteers in any way.

Please contact me with the position you’ll volunteer for. Know up front how much you are appreciated for this undertaking. The more of us who get involved, the less work and money output for each individual.

Major items discussed:
  • T-shirt design and sales
  • Booster club – “meet the players, coaches and parents” scrimmage game. The date is in May and will be announced later.
  • To avoid the constant begging for money to pay for team food, we discussed increasing the booster club fees to bolster our “seed” money. It was suggested that we have fewer membership levels, and rename them.
  • A MAJORITY of club communications will be handled through our awesome Web site managed by Barin von Foregger. The site address is .
Finally, there are DVDs of last year's season available for $20 (money goes to the club). Please let me know if you'd like one.

So, spread the word to all player parents about the upcoming “private” scrimmage game just for us. There you’ll see the guys in action, join the booster club, buy club merchandise, and sign up for one of the volunteer opportunities. Thank you all in advance!

Go Cougars!