Following is a synopsis of our first booster club meeting for the 2009 – 2010 school year.
Elected officers
Secretary: Rosanne Johnson
Treasurer: Sandy Bettiga
Vice President: James Pullen
President: Dani Edmonson
A check of more than $14,000 will be given to Coach Coates toward payment on the new weight-room equipment. We will only owe about $4,000 to pay that debt off this year. We will start the year with a $2,500 balance in our account. This is an excellent way to start our season!
Our club’s goal is to do what we can to make life as an NWRHS football player and coach (and manager) as wonderful as possible. Their job is to work their tails off on the field. Our job is to keep ‘em fed and happy! We do this by breaking up our workload into smaller pieces for all to enjoy…
Thank you to Jimmy Adams and Donald Pettit for volunteering to handle merchandising for the club! I need volunteers to fill the following positions:
Senior class representatives: four families
Junior class representatives: four families
Sophomore class representatives: four families
Freshmen class representatives: four families
Coaches’ Sunday meal scheduler
Thursday player dinner scheduler (a suggestion was made that these meals could possibly be held at area churches thereby allowing the church to sponsor the meal and provide the motivational speaker)
Game week breakfast scheduler
Spirit treat and car decorating scheduler
Friday night tailgating meal arranger
(Like the snazzy volunteer descriptions? J)
The class representatives are generally leads in getting to the rest of the class group. You help organize activities, including people and funding, assigned to your class. Each class is responsible for at least three different tasks such as a breakfast, dinner and spirit treat.
The other volunteers listed primarily arrange the people, places and things necessary for the task.
To ensure I’m available to help in all areas, I will be the communications link for each volunteer to their respective audiences. Volunteers are the ones we need to find the people and places we need to get our boys fed and to ensure they stay “pumped up” each game week.
I will be in charge of fund-raising events, including coordination of the program; club communications; assisting all other volunteers in any way.
Please contact me with the position you’ll volunteer for. Know up front how much you are appreciated for this undertaking. The more of us who get involved, the less work and money output for each individual.
Major items discussed:
- T-shirt design and sales
- Booster club – “meet the players, coaches and parents” scrimmage game. The date is in May and will be announced later.
- To avoid the constant begging for money to pay for team food, we discussed increasing the booster club fees to bolster our “seed” money. It was suggested that we have fewer membership levels, and rename them.
- A MAJORITY of club communications will be handled through our awesome Web site managed by Barin von Foregger. The site address is .
So, spread the word to all player parents about the upcoming “private” scrimmage game just for us. There you’ll see the guys in action, join the booster club, buy club merchandise, and sign up for one of the volunteer opportunities. Thank you all in advance!
Go Cougars!
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